Ever since I started studying anthropology and genetics, I have been filled with a hard-to-describe happiness. I literally feel rushes of joy surge through My body whenever I find another piece to the puzzle I’ve been trying to solve My entire life. It’s like a massive load has been lifted off My back because I now finally know why certain people act the way they do and why I don’t get along with them. I also know that My kind are extremely rare and targeted to be exterminated by those who are jealous of Us.
Today I’m going to talk about who the indigenous people of Japan are and why this truth has been covered up for years. Most Japanese people don’t even know who they are and that’s because they’ve been programmed by the system to believe things that aren’t true. Over 98% of the population in Japan is comprised of a mongrelised species called the Yamato people. These hybrids are humans mixed with non-human hominidae (aka “the great apes”), i.e. the Neanderthals and Denisovans. These are the creatures referred to as pre-Adamites in the bible (the beings that existed before the first humans were created).

The Original Japanese People Were White

The Japanese Ainu have often been compared to Europeans because their skin is white, they have higher-bridged noses, their beards and body hair abundant and wavy, and their features Caucasian in an archaic way.
This explains why a lot of mongrelised Japanese people today whiten their skin and bleach their hair in order to look European (Aryan).

I’ve had people attack and accuse Me of being racist for stating the cold hard facts. The haters tell Me that Japanese art surpasses European art. Where do you think the Japanese people’s artistic talent comes from? Their Aryan genes or their “great ape” genes? You don’t have to be a genius to figure that one out.

Rockin’ Jelly Bean is one of My favourite Japanese artists. If you look at his art you’ll notice that the majority of women he draws are Caucasian.

The two girls in the photo are also obsessed with Goths and bleached their hair blonde so they can look like Us.
Back to the topic of the Ainu, the original White Japanese people …

Hiroshi Ōshima, the former Japanese Ambassador to Germany, believed that the noble castes in Japan, the Daimyo and the Samurai, were descended from gods of celestial origin, which was similar to the Germans own belief that “the Nordic race did not evolve, but came directly down from heaven to settle on the Atlantic continent.”

The Daimyo and Samurai are genetic ancestors of the Ainu people who comprise a total population of roughly about 100,000 people today in Japan. This is a rough estimate as there’s been a lot of assimilation of the Ainu into modern Japanese society resulting in most Ainu having no knowledge of their ancestry as they are a community that’s been discriminated against throughout the country’s history.
Robert Sepehr

For much of the 20th century, Japanese government officials and academics tried to hide the Ainu. They were an inconvenient culture at a time when the government was steadfastly creating a national myth of homogeneity. So, officials tucked the Ainu into files marked “human migration mysteries”, or “aberrant hunter-gatherers of the modern age”, or “lost Caucasoid race”, or “enigma”, or “dying race”, or even “extinct”. But in 2006, under international pressure, the government finally recognized the Ainu as an indigenous population.

Kill Bill

Blonde-haired, blue-eyed Uma Thurman was cast as the Japanese-speaking, Samurai-wielding Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill: Volume 1. Do you think that Quentin Tarantino was trying to tell us something?

O-Ren Ishii: [sword lifted] Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with Samurai swords. You may not be able to fight like a Samurai, but you can at least die like a Samurai.
O-Ren Ishii (played by Chinese mongrel, Lucy Liu) is too stupid to realise that the Samurais were Caucasian!
Check out My Kill Bill painting while you’re here.
White Skin Is Beautiful

The Japanese value White skin as beautiful and deprecate black skin as ugly. Their spontaneous responses to the White skin of Caucasoid Europeans and the black skin of Negroid people were an extension of values deeply embedded in Japanese concepts of beauty.
The Social Perception of Skin Color in Japan
White skin has been considered an essential characteristic of feminine beauty in Japan since recorded time. An old Japanese proverb states that “White skin makes up for seven defects”.
More Japanese Mongrels Pretending To Be Goth

According to CNN, this is racist and offensive. [1] What do you think?

Check this out …

Look at the one with blue contact lenses. 😂
The basis of the entire rockabilly aesthetic is an exaggerated image of 50s Americana, especially the teenager and greaser/biker subcultures and new leisure activities at the time.

Aryan Anime
Why do these Japanese anime characters have blonde hair and blue eyes? Do you think there’s some Aryan ancestry hidden deep down in the Japanese artist’s genetic code? 😉

Mongrels Have No Morals

Japanese mongrel, Shin Takagi, manufactures blonde sex dolls who resemble children as young as five. The Australian Border Force is working with the Federal Police to seize these dolls and bring those in possession of one before the courts. [2]

Takagi says he’s struggled for a long time with his own pedophilic impulses but has never acted on them.
Sure he hasn’t.
Related Links:
Goth Wannabes
Herrenvolk Goths
Wannabe White Girls
Jealous Ape Attacks Robert Sepehr
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